App was created to serve every consumer that travels outside their hometown for family, retail, relocation, college, and their occupation. Minimize risk by avoiding undesirable locations. Your danger level preferences are of danger level is entered initially and applied to arrest statistics at your current location. Your assessed danger level will change as your zip codelocation changes. Link your friends, family, and co-workers to keep track of their well being. Group their color- coded icons on your phone to possess a single glance picture of all that you care about.Prevention outranks/outweighs protection and treatment combined. Be aware of your surroundings and take the necessary measures to protect yourself and/or leave that is an inexpensive tool to quickly determine what efforts you should utilize to protect yourself and others you care about. The cost saving to your lifestyle would include; minimize loss due to theft, lower medical bills, save time determining where to work, dine, vacation, rent, shop, purchase a home, pick a college, drive, place an office, retail your products, and many more.The website will allow you to use your threat analysis in advance to plan your travels, vacations, shopping, relocation, job search, college choice, etc…Be smart, look before you go!